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Zahara de los Atunes


Average length: 1.800 m
Swimming conditions: moderate waters

With the reflection of the tuna fishing (almadraba) still on its shores, the sands of this beach have always touched the history of the old fishing settlement of Zahara de los Atunes, which today is a tourist enclave that contains hotels and guest house from which you can access the beach. With a fairly wide area of dry sand, the mouth of the river Cachón and dunes interspersed with urban settlements, it is a beach that has everything you need to please different users.

The Dukes of Medina Sidonia lived in a palace on the beach, during the beginning of the season (levantá) of the tuna fishing. Their residence at that time had military purposes and was a residence, but above all it was the place where they manufactured the tuna that was fished.

Atunes en el Paraíso

El milenario arte de de la almadraba, usada para la pesca del atún rojo, ha determinado el devenir de muchos pueblos costeros gaditanos. Los atunes lo tienen claro. Se vienen al paraíso.

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