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The province of Cadiz is also home to fine cuisine, with innovative ingredients such as plankton and Bochas wine spheres. They have made an impact on gourmet cuisine. Not to mention seaweed; the waters of the Bahía de Cádiz are tranquil and get a lot of sun, which makes the seaweed grow bigger and juicier than anywhere else.
Payoya goat milk cheese has innumerable international awards to its name. A cheese made using traditional techniques from the milk of the Payoya goat, a breed local to the Sierra de Grazalema.
At El Bosque you can also find out how they made bread in the 18th century, from how the wheat is ground in a water mill to the baking process itself. All this happens in El Molino de Abajo, from where you can take home a nice, warm, freshly made loaf, or have it sent to your hotel. And try combining it with the local cured meats, which are even more delicious because here blood sausage, chorizo and salchichon are also an integral part of the culinary heritage of the province.
Sweet, smooth, aromatic, delicious with pine nuts or walnuts, made from rosemary or strawberry trees, and very, very nutritious. That's the honey of Rancho Cortesano de Jerez, which has a 30 year-long tradition of beekeeping and which has a very sweet museum open to the public. A museum for all ages where you can see bees at work and have fun dressed up as a beekeeper.
Tuna in Paradise
For over two thousand years local fishermen have been catching wild tuna fish in Spring, when the blue fin tuna crosses the Straits of Gibraltar on their way to the Mediterranean Sea. They catch them using a labyrinth of nets called the almadrabas, a traditional and spectacular fishing method
El Campero
The high church of tuna can be found in Barbate. The cuisine of El Campero brings together the most traditional recipes of local gastronomy. See company
El Faro
Flagship of the gastronomy of Cadiz. Now in the hands of the third generation of owners. The Córdoba family are passionate about everything they do, and their effort and hard work have made El Faro one of the leaders in cuisine
Bibbo House
The laid-back, "just passing through" concept of Dani García has been adapted to one of the most fashionable beaches on the coast of Cadiz: Valdevaqueros in Tarifa